JANUARY 23, 2023
Meeting called to order at
7:05 pm at the Golden Age Center, 723 Main Street, Cañon City,
CO by president Jimmy Madone.
Present were sec/treas. Kathryn Clarke, directors Joe
Carochi, George Small, Kasey Cumbie, Pete Cooper, Tony Madone
Jr., Tom Jordan, Judy Cowan Asst. Sec/Treas and ditch
superintendent Les Meek.
36 shareholders were present at the meeting representing
744 shares. Proxies
received represented 268.3 shares.
This is a total of 1012.3 shares. Total shares on ditch
are 3675. One half
plus 1 for quorum.
1839 shares are required for a quorum.
President Jimmy Madone
introduced the Board of Director’s.
Minutes of the 2022 annual
meeting were read.
Bill Uhland moved that minutes be accepted as read, Geri
Collette seconded, motion passed.
Treasurer’s report for 2022
was reviewed.
Horn moved it be accepted as read, Denny Stately seconded,
motion passed.
New Business
Email option for sending
annual invoices. If you’re interest in getting your invoice
emailed to you please email
President Jimmy Madone
reported Board of Director’s drove the Ditch identifying problem
areas, maintenance needs working up a work list. Assured
shareholders the Board is here to help everyone get their water.
The Board would appreciate anyone wishing to volunteer to help
clear brush & small trees. Ditch’s liability insurance will
cover volunteer workers up to $15,000 each person.
Locust Street repair –
application submitted for NRCS funds to help with cost/share.
County will replace pipe under the road and repair the road, we
will replace aprons on both sides of the pipe/road.
During 2023, the Lincoln Park
Crooked Ditch will be working with a contractor (Corriente
Solutions, Blake Osborn) to digitally map our ditch
infrastructure. The
contractor will be surveying the ditch. Please allow access to
the Ditch infrastructure if requested. Contractors will have an
approve ID card signed by the Crooked Ditch board for
verification. More of the process is posted on the our website
(Use URL). Initially no
cost to the Ditch.
South Cañon Spillway project
finished. We will be
responsible for paying 1/3 the cost
As long as Pump Ditch has
water running we will extend our watering days.
Shareholders encouraged to keep Ditch, screens, laterals
The Board is not raising
assessments or changing watering days this year.
River Call schedule will
remain the same as past years. Email blasts will be sent as well
as being on the website.
The Board will make courtesy
call on lateral problems. Support will be offered to help
shareholders resolve the problem.
Ditch Maintenance Report –
Regular maintenance, weed removal & cleaning, pipe cleaning &
patching, box cleaning, patching and debris removal, silt pond
and headgate silt removal. Locust & Elm Leaks; County replacing
pipe on southside, taking bids for apron build, intensive
patching on northside under President’s instruction. Leaking box
on Colorado Avenue will investigate and patch as needed. Ditch
tour with Board of Director’s. List was made of immediate and
long term projects. Place signs on high traffic areas of Ditch
to designate easement. Deadfall removal from last spring’s
storm, with tree removal planned. Leaking lateral on Park Avenue
will see if valve is able to be repaired,. Replace outdated
Division 3 being cleaned first
in case Pump Ditch turns water on early.
Jimmy Madone moved dirt around
silt pond.
Kyle Horn – Consider raising
assessments for long term success. Tony Madone Jr. is in favor
of shareholders. Reason for volunteers to offset expense. Mr.
Horn said shareholders have not had an increase for 15 years.
Urges to seriously start looking into an increase.
Tim Gaffney – Will NRCS accept
volunteer work as part of cost share? Tony Madone Jr. says NRCS
will have a formula.
A shareholder asked if we have
an estimate on 2023 maintenance costs. Tony Madone Jr. - After
getting figures for NRCS projects will give us a good cost for
Grape Creek ciphon in good
shape. South Cañon
Ditch had a camera inside to inspect.
John Mosher – Thanked us for
the website.
Email blast for volunteers &
Ditch condition.
Dale Davis – Ditch East of
willow all dirt. Les doing a great job keeping willows out. Les
wants to eventually pipe or concrete primitive ditch.
President Jimmy Madone reports
the Board is having more meetings through the year.
8:00 pm Britt Colon moved
meeting be adjourned, seconded by Geri Collette, motion passed.
Incorporated January 5, 1891 by State of Colorado
3675 Total Shares
2022 shares forfeited 6
2022 shares re-instated 11
Company owns 199
Serve 377 properties
2023 Proxies received 268.3 shares
Quorum 3675 divided in half 1837.5 + 1 = 1839 shares
Submitted by:
Kathryn Clarke, Sec/Treas.